针对巷道支护方案评价中的众多不确定性影响因素,从实际工程状况出发,选取14 项重要指标,分别进行定量和定性评价,采用熵计算各评价指标的权重,根据置信度判别准则进行优劣性评价,采用VC++语言建立基于未确知理论的巷道支护方案评价体系。将该评价体系应用于某金矿软破介质的巷道支护方案优选中,得出超前锚杆加U 型钢拱架为最佳支护方案。结果表明,该评价体系科学合理,可为类似工程的支护设计和生产管理提供依据。
For many uncertainty factors in the roadway support schemes evaluation, considering the actual engineering status, 14 key indicators are selected and the uncertainty problems are solved by quantitative and qualitative evaluations, respectively. The entropy theory is used to calculate the weights of the indicators, and the advantages and disadvantages of a support scheme are evaluated according to the credible degree recognition criteria. An evaluation system for roadway support schemes is finally set up based on unascertained theory using VC++ language. Furthermore, this evaluation system is used to evaluate roadway support schemes of soft and fractured medium in a gold mine. The result shows that the optimized support scheme is the forepoling bolt and U-formed arched falsework. This study indicates that the evaluation system is reasonable and can provide a basis for the support design and production management of similar projects.
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