能源消费是诱发全球气候变化的主要因素之一,对能源消费引致的碳足迹及生态压力进行研究具有重要意义。应用能源消费碳足迹相关研究模型,计算得出2005-2010年湖南省能源消费的碳足迹、碳生态承载力和碳生态压力指数,在此基础上进行了湖南省能源消费碳足迹的动态演化与空间差异分析。研究结果表明:1)2005-2010年,湖南省能源消费碳足迹总体呈上升趋势,由2005年的2242.57 hm2上升至2010年的2835.23 hm2;2)2005-2010年,湖南省碳生态承载力变化较小,其生态承载力基本在1880 hm2左右;3)湖南省能源消费碳足迹生态环境压力的空间差异较大,其中高度生态承载区包括邵阳、永州、怀化、张家界与湘西5市州,中度生态环境压力区包括岳阳和衡阳2城市,轻度生态环境压力区包括长沙和益阳2城市,一般过渡区包括常德、郴州和株洲3城市,重度生态环境压力区包括娄底和湘潭2城市。
Energy consumption is a main factor for global climate change. It is significant to research energy consumption carbon footprint and ecological stress. We use the energy consumption carbon footprint research model to calculate the energy consumption carbon footprint, ecological capacity and ecological pressure index, and investigate its dynamic evolution and spatial difference. The results show that the energy consumption carbon footprint has a rising trend, from 2242.57 hm2 in 2005 to 2835.23 hm2 in 2010; that the carbon ecological carrying capacity changing trend is small, being around 1880 hm2; and that the ecology environment pressure index has a big spatial difference, with Shaoyang, Yongzhou, Huaihua, Zhangjiajie and Xiangxi belonging to the high-ecological carrying area, Yueyang and Hengyang belonging to the moderate-ecological carrying area, Changsha and Yiyang belonging to the general transition distraction, and Loudi and Xiangtan belonging to the heavy-ecological carrying area.
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