Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the ideal point method (TOPSIS), the mathematical model for optimization of the mining method is established. In the mathematical model, the Delphi method (the expert opinion method) is used to determine the mining method's optimal sort of the decision-making indicators, such as the angle, the thickness and the roof soundness. First, the candidate program indicators are put into the judgment matrix, through the AHP, the weight of each index is determined in the judgment matrix. Then, the sorting is optimized by the ideal point method, to obtain the weighted standardized decision-making matrix. Finally, the relative closeness of the schemes is obtained by the ideal point method, The synthetic superior degree of mining methods in Sanshandao Gold Mine are 0.1467, 0.5168, 0.9706, and the third mining model is in the first place, which verifies the feasibility of the model, to serve as an effective reference for the optimization of mining methods.