

  • 杨德锋;薛娜;程和平;毛亚蔚
  • 中国核电工程有限公司, 北京 100840

收稿日期: 2013-03-06

  修回日期: 2013-03-19

  网络出版日期: 2013-06-28

MCNP and DORT Couptation Method

  • YANG Defeng;XUE Na;Cheng Heping;MAO Yawei
  • China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd., Beijing 100840, China

Received date: 2013-03-06

  Revised date: 2013-03-19

  Online published: 2013-06-28


基于蒙特卡罗方法的MCNP程序和离散纵标法的DORT程序, 在解决辐射屏蔽设计过程中确定屏蔽方案时, 单独使用MCNP或DORT计算屏蔽效果的两个粒子输运程序各自存在某方面缺陷的问题.通过研究MCNP与DORT两个程序的功能与特点, 编写接口程序, 实现了MCNP与DORT的耦合计算, 弥补各自运算中的缺陷, 扩展了程序的适用范围.通过验证, 表明自主开发的接口程序能够完成两个程序输入输出文件的相互转化, 耦合计算精度满足要求, 且对各类问题有较好的处理能力, 该耦合接口程序已初步应用于工程计算.

关键词: MCNP; DORT; 耦合计算; 接口


杨德锋;薛娜;程和平;毛亚蔚 . MCNP与DORT耦合计算方法研究[J]. 科技导报, 2013 , 31(18) : 53 -56 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2013.18.008


Shielding is a common measure for the radiation protection. In the design process, radiation shielding calculation using computer codes is employed to achieve the proper shielding plan. MCNP and DORT are common programs used for computing radiation shielding. Based on different principles and algorithms, each of these programs has its own defect at certain areas. Achieving MCNP and DORT coupling is taken aim at, by studying the functions and features of MCNP and DORT, and the interface code is programmed. The method for converting data between MCNP and DORT is realized, Coupling between MCNP and DORT is achieved. So that the application scope of these two programs is able to be enlarged. After the validation, the conclusion is drawn that the interface code is able to convert the input and output files of MCNP and DORT successfully. Both accuracy and efficiency for coupling calculation are acceptable, having quite good management ability for all kinds of problems. The coupling method has been applied to technical problems and would be further validated by the feedback data.
