

  • 霍丙杰;张宏伟;郭嗣琮
  • 1. 辽宁工程技术大学矿业学院, 辽宁阜新 123000;2. 辽宁工程技术大学理学院, 辽宁阜新 123000

收稿日期: 2013-04-19

  修回日期: 2013-06-22

  网络出版日期: 2013-07-28

Evaluation of Coal Seam Stability Based on Fuzzy Pattern Recognition

  • HUO Bingjie;ZHANG Hongwei;GUO Sicong
  • 1. Mining Institute, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, Liaoning Province, China;2. College of Science, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, Liaoning Province, China

Received date: 2013-04-19

  Revised date: 2013-06-22

  Online published: 2013-07-28




霍丙杰;张宏伟;郭嗣琮 . 煤层稳定性模糊模式识别评价方法[J]. 科技导报, 2013 , 31(21) : 39 -43 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2013.21.006


The comprehensive quantitative evaluation methods for different kinds of coal seam stability based on the fuzzy pattern recognition theory are studied in this paper. The coal seam stability evaluation using the fuzzy pattern recognition method is proposed, with an analysis of the key factors affecting the coal seam stability, to determine the characteristics of the coal seam stability evaluation factors, and to build the fuzzy evaluation for different types of coal seam in language patterns and their membership functions. To verify the feasibility of the method, an example is taken for the evaluation. The results show that the method can realize the quantitative partition for the stability of the coal seam type and belonging, can provide the basis for the coal seam mineable analysis, the mining safety evaluation, and the mining method choice.
