为探索铅锌冶炼炉渣氧势快速测量的方法,以某铅冶炼炉为对象,应用商用定氧探头对炉渣氧势进行测量。测量过程中,电势与温度信号的响应时间为10~15 s,测量时间控制在20 s之内;且其氧势范围lg PO2为-11.37~-10.32,即PO2为10-6.37~10-5.32 Pa。对空冷和水淬两种取样方式下的炉渣中主要元素进行分析,同时基于铅冶炼炉内主要反应的标准吉布斯自由能变与温度T的关系,以及吉布斯自由能变与氧势的关系,制作氧势图,分析铅、铜、锌以及铁等金属元素分离所需的氧势条件,结果表明商用定氧探头所测得的氧势条件与氧势图中的理论分析结果吻合。
This paper proposes a fast method to measure the oxygen potential in the lead-zinc smelting furnace, by using the commercial probes to test the oxygen potential of the slag in an running furnace. In the measurement process, the response time of the signal of the electric potential and the temperature is 10~15 seconds, which means that the measurement time can be controlled within 20 seconds. The oxygen potential's logarithm is in the range of -11.37 to -10.32, that is, the oxygen potential is in the range of 10-6.37~10-5.32Pa. The main elements in the slag are tested and analyzed for different samples which are, respectively, obtained by air-cooled and water-cooled methods. The oxygen potential is obtained according to the relationship between the Gibbs free energy and the temperature, as well as between the Gibbs free energy and the oxygen potential. It is shown that the conditions of the oxygen potential measured by the probes agree with the theoretical analysis from the oxygen potential diagrams.
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