

  • 刘彦花
  • 广西师范学院资源与环境科学学院, 南宁 530001

收稿日期: 2013-08-19

  修回日期: 2013-11-30

  网络出版日期: 2014-02-14



Analyses on Geologic Hazard Mechanism Based on Geo-Informatic Tupu

  • LIU Yanhua
  • Faculty of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Guangxi Teachers Education University, Nanning 530001, China

Received date: 2013-08-19

  Revised date: 2013-11-30

  Online published: 2014-02-14


地质灾害的形成和演化受制于一定的区域背景条件,从而决定了区域地理环境对地质灾害的空间分布有着不可忽视的影响,地学信息图谱理论借助图形语言的形象思维和表达能力,可直观、简洁地表达地质灾害的形成条件和影响因素。本文基于地质灾害空间数据库,运用地学信息图谱理论和GIS 技术,将地质灾害空间属性及其与致灾因子在时间、空间分布的关系用图谱形式表示,分析研究区地质灾害在空间上的特征以及在时间上的变化过程。研究结果表明,研究区内地质灾害的形成主要受地形地貌、地层岩性、地质构造、降雨和人类工程活动等因素的影响和制约。其中,地形地貌是形成地质灾害的必要条件,地层岩性为地质灾害形态及变形破坏提供了物质基础,地质构造对地质灾害形成具有直接或间接的控制作用,降雨是地质灾害的主要触发因素,人类工程活动加剧了地质灾害的形成。


刘彦花 . 基于地学信息图谱的地质灾害成灾机制分析[J]. 科技导报, 2014 , 32(2) : 57 -63 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2014.2.009


The formation and evolution of geological hazards is subject to certain regional background conditions, that is, the regional geographical environment has a nontrivial influence on the spatial distribution of geological hazards. The geo-information tupu theory can express intuitively and simply the forming conditions and influencing factors of geological hazards through image thinking and expression ability of graphics language. Based on the spatial database of geological hazards, geo-information tupu theory and GIS technology, this paper indicates the relationship between the spatial properties of geological hazards and its factors in time and space distribution by tupu and analyzes the characteristics in space and the change process in time of geological hazards. The results show that the formation of geological hazards in the studied area are affected mainly by landform, stratum lithology, geological structure, rainfall and human engineering activities. The landform is the necessary conditions of forming geological hazards; the stratum lithology provides the material foundation for geological hazards to form and their deformation and destruction; geological structure has a direct or indirect control effect on the formation of geological hazards; rainfall is the main trigger factor of geological disasters; human engineering activities aggravates the formation of geological hazards.


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