

  • 周晓峰 ,
  • 牛小兵 ,
  • 王建国 ,
  • 梁晓伟
  • 1. 中国石油大学(北京), 石油工程教育部重点实验室, 北京 102249;
    2. 中国石油长庆油田分公司勘探开发研究院, 西安 710021

收稿日期: 2014-01-13

  修回日期: 2014-02-21

  网络出版日期: 2014-05-13



Porosity Evolution During Diagenesis of Oil-bearing Sandstone in Chang 8 of Longdong Oil-producing Region

  • ZHOU Xiaofeng ,
  • NIU Xiaobing ,
  • WANG Jianguo ,
  • LIANG Xiaowei
  • 1. MOE Key Laboratory of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China;
    2. Research Institute of Exploration and Development, Changqing Oilfield Company, PetroChina, Xi'an 710021, China

Received date: 2014-01-13

  Revised date: 2014-02-21

  Online published: 2014-05-13


利用铸体薄片、X-射线衍射、扫描电镜、物性等资料,分析陇东油区长8 含油砂岩成岩作用和孔隙度演化过程。研究表明,含油砂岩处于中成岩阶段A 期,经历的强压实、胶结及弱溶解作用是其致密化的控制性因素,其中压实孔隙损失率为38.9%,胶结孔隙损失率为38.0%,而溶蚀孔隙度仅为3.9%。孔隙度演化分析表明,含油砂岩的初始孔隙度为37.3%,早成岩阶段的压实和胶结作用后剩余原生粒间孔隙度为17.9%;中成岩阶段的第1 期油气充注时孔隙度仍高达17.0%,第2 期油气充注时孔隙度仅为12.5%,说明含油砂岩在两期油气充注之间的成岩过程中成为致密砂岩储层。


周晓峰 , 牛小兵 , 王建国 , 梁晓伟 . 陇东油区长8含油砂岩成岩过程中的孔隙度演化[J]. 科技导报, 2014 , 32(12) : 41 -47 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2014.12.006


The diagenesis and porosity evolution of the oil-bearing sandstone in Chang 8 of Longdong oil-producing region are analyzed by means of casting thin-sections, X-ray diffraction data, scanning electron micrograph observation and physical properties. The oil-bearing sandstone is currently at the first stage of the middle-diagenesis period. It went through strong compaction and violent cementation and weak dissolution, which led to the tight sandstone reservoir. The porosity loss rate of the compaction is 38.9%, the porosity loss rate of the cementation is 38.0%, and the porosity of the dissolution is only 3.9%. The porosity evolution during the diagenesis shows that the primary porosity is 37.3%, the residual intergranular porosity after the compaction and the cementation of the early diagenesis process is 17.9%, the porosity of the first oil charging process is 17.0%, and the porosity of the second oil charging process is only 12.5%, which illustrates that the densification of the oilbearing sandstone occurred between the first oil charging process and the second oil charging process of the middle-diagenesis period.


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