In the process of cancer occurrence and development, more than 70% of the carcinogens and promoters are associated with environmental pollution or human behaviors. Arsenic, asbestos, benzene, smoking, air-pollution, etc. have been classified by IARC as environmental pollutants that are carcinogenic to human. Research in some high risk areas for cancer in China shows that food contaminated by nitrosamines, fungus and aflatoxin, or infected by human papillomavirus, occupational exposure to air polluted by radon, and exposure to indoor air polluted by burning smoky coal are causes of cancers It is an effective approach to control the risk factors to reduce the hazards of cancer. The current study reviews the environmental pollution, the epidemic of cancers of esophagus, stomach, liver, cervix uteri, lung, and their typical cases to provide scientific references for working on cancer prevention.
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