

  • 王淑丽 ,
  • 郑绵平
  • 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所, 国土资源部盐湖资源与环境重点实验室, 北京 100037

收稿日期: 2014-09-16

  修回日期: 2014-11-05

  网络出版日期: 2014-12-25



Cambrian Salt- forming Environment in Northeastern Sichuan Basin and Its Significance for Finding Potash

  • WANG Shuli ,
  • ZHENG Mianping
  • MLR Key Laboratory of Saline Lake Resources and Environments; Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China

Received date: 2014-09-16

  Revised date: 2014-11-05

  Online published: 2014-12-25


四川盆地东北部寒武系蒸发盐发育,该区钻孔见有高矿化度卤水,建南地区中寒武统覃家庙组沉积厚层石膏及石盐(建深1 井),钻遇石盐累计厚度达120 m,各盐层之间仅夹有薄层石膏,石盐单层最厚达80 m(可能存在挤压增厚),结束了对于本区未达到石盐沉积的认识.对建深1 井岩盐沉积段岩屑样品(石盐岩屑尚难识别其是原生石盐还是次生石盐)的溴氯系数进行分析得出,其溴氯系数值相对较低,一般为0.05~0.22.将水溶与酸溶的钾离子百分含量进行对比,酸溶的钾离子含量明显高于水溶钾离子含量,约为水溶的1.3~2.0 倍,可能与石盐岩屑中存在较难溶于水的含钾矿物有关.川东北现有多口井钻遇寒武系高矿化度含(富)钾、溴、锂卤水,其含量最高可分别达4.6 g/L、886 mg/L 和148 mg/L,可进行综合利用.研究认为该区卤水的较高,Li+含量既不是完全由海水浓缩而成的沉积卤水,更不是溶滤盐类的结果,推测与该地区的水—岩作用、火山活动与深部来源的热水有关.综合分析本区的成钾条件和亚洲寒武系成盐成钾的广泛性,认为应关注及加强研究该区成盐找钾.


王淑丽 , 郑绵平 . 川东北寒武纪盐盆成盐环境及其找钾意义[J]. 科技导报, 2014 , 32(35) : 41 -49 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2014.35.005


Cambrian evaporites are in a wide distribution and the brine with high salinity was found in northeastern Sichuan basin. The thick layer of halite and gypsum in Qinjiamiao formation of Middle Cambrian was found in Jiannan area. Well Jianshen 1 encounters the thick halite layer, with accumulative thickness of up to 120 m, with thin-bedded gypsum, and with the single –layer thickness of halite reaching a maximum of 80 m (might be thickened by squeezing), which overturns the previous conclusion that this area has not reached the halite deposition stage. The bromine to chlorine ratio is analyzed for halite debris (it is not easy to determine whether the halite debris is primary or secondary) and the Br × 103/Cl value ranges mostly from 0.05 to 0.22, indicating that the seawater has not reached the stage of sylvite deposition. Comparing the percentages of the water-soluble and acid-soluble potassium ions, the potassium ion content of acid-soluble is found to be about 1.3-2.0 times higher than that of the water-soluble, and this may because the rock salt debris contains water insoluble potassium-bearing minerals. There are several wells that encounter the high salinity brine in northeastern Sichuan basin, with the K+, Br-, and Li+ concentrations up to 4.6 g/L, 886 mg/L and 148 mg/L, respectively for well Tian 2 in Wuxi. In addition, this study reveals that the high Li+ content in the brine is neither from the concentration of sea water, nor from the leaching of salts. It may be related to the water/rock interaction, the volcanic activity or other hot water of deep sources. A comprehensive evaluation of sylvinite forming conditions in this area and the wide distribution of Cambrian salt-bearing basins in Asia indicate that the exploration in this area should be strengthened in the future.


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