

  • 孔君 ,
  • 苏正军
  • 中国气象科学研究院人工影响天气中心, 北京100081

收稿日期: 2015-02-06

  修回日期: 2015-02-12

  网络出版日期: 2015-04-10



Thoughts on mitigation of smog by weather modification

  • KONG Jun ,
  • SU Zhengjun
  • Weather Modification Center, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China

Received date: 2015-02-06

  Revised date: 2015-02-12

  Online published: 2015-04-10


借助人工影响天气开展消减雾霾影响不失为一种有效的尝试。本文介绍消减雾霾可能采用的人工影响天气方法、原理、应用, 并分析其优缺点和关键问题。人工影响天气消减雾霾的主要方式包括人工增雨、人工消雾及消减干霾的物理化学方法。人工增雨和人工消过冷雾技术相对成熟, 但人工增雨作业依赖地理背景和天气条件, 不适用于消减处于发展阶段的雾霾。人工消暖雾尚未成熟, 有待研制更高效的暖云催化剂或开发新型消暖雾技术。喷水地球工程法需要进行更深入的理论分析, 结合实验寻找高效清除PM2.5的方法。城市风道法因受地理环境和气象条件限制, 并不适用于所有城市。当然, 治理雾霾还要从社会经济发展方式、能源结构组成、节能减排和降低能耗等方面综合入手, 从根源上解决问题。


孔君 , 苏正军 . 关于人工影响消减雾霾的思考[J]. 科技导报, 2015 , 33(6) : 86 -90 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2015.06.014


Mitigation of smog with the aid of weather modification can yet be regarded as an effective attempt. In this paper, the methods, principles and applications of weather modification carried out to mitigate smog are introduced. And their advantages, disadvantages and key problems are analyzed. Presently, there are three main ways of modifying the weather to mitigate smog, namely artificial precipitation, artificial fog dispersal and physical or chemical methods to eliminate dry haze. Artificial precipitation enhancement and super-cooled fog dissipation technology is relatively mature, but the artificial precipitation operation heavily depends on the geographical background and natural conditions. On the other hand, artificial warm mist elimination is not quite ready yet, and needs to develop more effective warm cloud catalyst. And water spray geo-engineering requires more in-depth theoretical analysis, and needs to combine with experiments to find efficient scavenging of PM2.5. The urban air passage method does not apply to all cities, which is restricted by geographical environment and meteorological conditions. It is necessary, therefore, to speed up the development mode transformation and make more energy-saving emission reduction efforts in order to deal with the problem at its source.


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