

  • 毕银丽 ,
  • 解文武 ,
  • 李少朋 ,
  • 尚海丽
  • 中国矿业大学(北京)地球科学与测绘工程学院, 北京100083

收稿日期: 2014-12-26

  修回日期: 2015-02-28

  网络出版日期: 2015-05-05



Potassium-dissolving effects of silicate bacteria C6X strain under different conditions

  • BI Yinli ,
  • XIE Wenwu ,
  • LI Shaopeng ,
  • SHANG Haili
  • College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing, Beijing 100083, China

Received date: 2014-12-26

  Revised date: 2015-02-28

  Online published: 2015-05-05


针对神东矿区采煤塌陷地土壤亏钾现象,将石英、钾长石和伊利石3 种黏土矿物按不同比例混合,并以此作为供试基质,研究在不同控水条件下,硅酸盐细菌C6X 菌株接种量对不同基质释钾效果的影响,以期找到最佳条件使硅酸盐细菌C6X 菌株能够充分发挥释钾效应,从而使塌陷地土壤亏钾现象得到改善,以便进一步对当地土壤进行有效合理的利用。研究结果表明,接种硅酸盐细菌能增加基质速效钾含量;接种量变化影响基质的释钾效果,不同配比基质最佳接菌量均为10%;4 种配比基质的最佳含水量随着黏土矿物黏性的增强而依次降低,分别为对应基质最大持水量的120%、100%、70%和55%;石英:钾长石:伊利石质量配比为1:1:3 时,硅酸盐细菌C6X 菌株对其释钾效果最优,可达1.44%。因此,土壤在含水量为55%时接种10%的硅酸盐细菌其土壤改良效果最为明显。


毕银丽 , 解文武 , 李少朋 , 尚海丽 . 不同条件下的硅酸盐细菌C6X菌株释钾效果[J]. 科技导报, 2015 , 33(8) : 18 -23 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2015.08.002


Potassium deficiency exists in the coal mining subsidence area of Shendong coal mine. In this study, three kinds of clay minerals (quartz, potassium feldspar and illite) were mixed in different ratios and taken as the test matrix for investigating impacts of the amount of silicate bacteria C6X strain inoculum on effects of potassium release with different matrixes under different water control conditions. The aim is to find the most reasonable conditions for silicate bacteria C6X strain to release potassium to improve potassium deficiency in the studied area. In this way, the local soil can be utilized reasonably and effectively. The results show that the silicate bacteria increased the content of available potassium in the matrix. The changes of inoculation affected the effects of potassium release of the matrix. The best inoculum sizes of different substrates were all 10%. The optimum moisture content of the four substrates decreased with enhancement of the viscosity of clay mineral, being 120%, 100%, 70% and 55% of the maximum water holding capacity of the corresponding matrix. When the mass ratio of quartz: potassium feldspar: illite was 1:1:3, the effect of potassium release on the substrates of the silicate bacteria C6X strain was the best, being 1.44%. Therefore, the corresponding soil with moisture content of 55% can be best improved with 10% of silicate bacteria inoculation.


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