国内某油田在应用氮气欠平衡钻井技术以及钻油管技术过程中, 采用钻油管完井一体化井口装置。由于钻完井过程中气体流量大, 高速携岩气流容易造成完井井口装置的冲蚀磨损, 导致井口装置的承压能力下降, 造成井控风险增大, 极易诱发工程安全事故。本文结合冲蚀磨损仿真与缺陷量化计算, 定性、定量地探索整体式Y 型采油树井口携岩气体流动特性及缺陷深度随时间的变化关系, 计算得出不同采油树的安全生产时间, 为整体式Y 型采油树在高压高产气井的安全使用提供了理论依据。研究表明:同等工况条件下, 冲蚀深度随采气量的增大而增大, 随井口压力的增加而减小。
In an application of nitrogen unbalanced drilling technology and coiled tubing technology to one domestic oil field, integrated wellhead of drilling and well completion was adopted. Because of the large gas flow in the process of drilling and well completion, the high-speed flow carrying rock particles led to erosion of the wellhead and the decline of bearing capacity of wellhead, resulting in increasing risk of well control. This paper combines the erosion simulation and quantitative calculation to qualitatively and quantitatively investigate the gas flow characteristics of Y-type gas production wellhead and the relationship between the defect depth and time. Safety times in production for different Y-type gas wellheads are calculated to provide a theoretical basis for high pressure application of integrated wellhead. It is shown that under the same condition, erosion depth increases with gas production and decreases with the increasing wellhead pressure.
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