针对场面监视雷达成本较高、不适用于流量较小的中小机场等问题, 采用多摄像机对机场场面航空器进行动态跟踪, 采用图像边缘检测和形态学处理方法对目标进行识别, 跟踪和提取航空器的飞行轨迹并分析其位置和速度参数, 提出了运动目标跟踪算法和基于DCPA 和TCPA 的滑行冲突检测模型, 开发了基于视频图像处理的机场航空器冲突检测原型系统, 并应用于西南某通航机场。实验表明, 视频图像处理技术和冲突检测模型可用于中小机场的航空器识别和冲突检测, 提高机场安全运行水平。
The ASR (aerodrome surveillance radar) can not be applied for a medium and small airport due to its high cost, and multi cameras might be used instead of the ASR to monitor the aircraft's movements there. By using the image edge detection and morphological image process approaches, the moving targets are recognized. And the tracks of aircraft are extracted, as well as their motion parameters. The moving target tracking algorithms and the conflict detecting model based on the DCPA (distance of closest point of approach) and the TCPA (time of closest point of approach) are proposed, and a prototype system is developed and applied in one General Aviation Airport for the conflict detecting, which shows that the aircraft conflict is effectively detected by this model and the video image process approach, and the safety and the efficiency of the airport ground operation are enhanced.
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