在燃料抛撒形成燃料空气炸药的过程中, 燃料可能发生点火燃烧或爆燃现象, 通称为蹿火。蹿火现象的发生, 极大地降低了燃料空气炸药能量的输出。解决蹿火问题, 对二次引爆型云爆战斗部的研制尤为重要。针对燃料抛撒初始阶段蹿火现象, 通过数值模拟和试验, 获取爆轰气体产物、燃料和空气的时空分布, 分析蹿火发生的因素。结果表明, 爆轰气体产物量是影响抛撒初始阶段蹿火发生的主要因素, 针对液固态燃料配方, 最优的比药量范围为0.95%~1.70%。
During fuel dispersion of fuel air explosive, the fuel may be ignited or deflagrated, which significantly decreases energy output of the fuel air explosive. In this paper, numerical simulation and experiments are carried out to obtain the temporal and spatial distribution of deflagration gaseous products, fuel and air to investigate factors related to fire phenomenon in the initial stage of fuel dispersion. The results show that the amount of deflagration gaseous products is the main factor influencing the fire phenomenon in the initial stage of fuel dispersion. For the liquid-solid fuel formula, the optimal fuel-to-explosive mass ratio is in the range of 0.95%~1.7%.
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