南方离子型稀土矿是中国最重要的战略性资源, 广泛分布于江西、广东和广西等南方省区, 常呈离子状态吸附于黏土矿物中, 具有中重稀土元素含量高、开采浸取工艺简单、成本低廉等特征。南方稀土矿开采过程对地下水产生重要影响, 导致矿区周边地下水重金属、氨氮及硫酸根污染等环境问题愈发严峻。为此, 借助自动化监测设备, 在广东开展了地下水动态监测实验, 实现了无线远程监测水中pH 值、氨氮等关键指标的变化, 并在此基础上提出了南方离子型稀土矿“绿色矿山”环境监控系统的概念, 通过整合原地浸矿工艺、地下水无线远程监测系统及污染防控系统, 依靠中央控制系统和自动化控制设备, 控制南方离子型稀土矿开发对地下水的影响, 为实现南方离子型稀土矿的绿色开发提供技术支持。
Ion-absorbed-type rare earth deposit which is the most important strategic resource is distributed extensively in the south of China, such as Jiangxi, Guangdong and Guangxi provinces. It often exist in the form of ions absorbed in clay minerals, and is characterized by middle-heavy rare earth enrichment, simple mining and leaching process and low cost. However, groundwater pollution of heavy metal, ammonia nitrogen and sulfate are very serious during mining. Therefore, it is urgent to perform groundwater monitoring in the mine. In Guangdong province, we used automatic monitoring facilities to perform groundwater dynamic monitoring experiments and made significant progress. Through this research, we obtained changing values of key indicators in the water, i.e., pH value, ammonia nitrogen, etc. In this paper, we present a new green mine environment monitoring system in ion-absorbed-type rare earth deposit. The system integrating in-situ leaching process, system of groundwater monitoring with wireless data transmission, and the control system of environment pollution is to control the influence on groundwater during the mining of ion-absorbed-type rare earth deposit. It may provide technical support for achieving the goal of green mining.
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