

  • 鲍梦瑶 ,
  • 樊飞 ,
  • 赵阳
  • 1. 中国民航管理干部学院航空器适航审定系, 北京 100102;
    2. 中国国际航空股份有限公司工程技术分公司工程部, 北京 101312;
    3. 中国民航科学技术研究院民航运行技术研究所维修工作室, 北京 100028

收稿日期: 2015-04-17

  修回日期: 2015-06-07

  网络出版日期: 2015-10-16



A survey of airworthiness system of EASA CS-E

  • BAO Mengyao ,
  • FAN Fei ,
  • ZHAO Yang
  • 1. Department of Aircraft Airworthiness Certification, Civil Aviation Management Institute of China, Beijing 100102, China;
    2. Department of Engineering, Air China Technics, Beijing 101312, China;
    3. Maintenance Engineering Division, China Academy of Civil Aviation Science and Technology, Beijing 100028, China

Received date: 2015-04-17

  Revised date: 2015-06-07

  Online published: 2015-10-16


针对欧洲民用航空局(EASA)航空发动机适航体系开展初步研究工作, 在3 个层级划分EASA 适航体系的基础上, 阐述EASA 的航空发动机审定规范CS-E 在适航体系中的地位和职责, 给出CS-E 的逻辑架构和演变历史, 着重分析了历次修正案中的被修订条款, 并进一步概括出“科技进步, 灾难性事故发生, 过于苛刻的适航要求, 表述错误, 国际一致性”5 种产生规章修订的因素。

关键词: EASA; CS-E; 适航体系


鲍梦瑶 , 樊飞 , 赵阳 . 欧洲民用航空安全局航空发动机适航体系[J]. 科技导报, 2015 , 33(18) : 96 -101 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2015.18.016


CS-E is the airworthiness standard of aircraft engine in Europe and it is under constant changing to adapt to new safety demands of airworthiness certification. In this paper, starting from the three level division of aero-engine airworthiness system of European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the status and responsibility of CS-E are firstly expounded, and then the logical structure and historical amendments of CS-E are analyzed. In the analysis, the revised regulations in each amendment are particularly focused on and the revised reason of regulation can be generalized into five aspects: development of technology, hazardous accident, overly strict rules or vice versa, unclear definition or explanation, and international uniformity. Thus, this survey provides reference to the development and improvement of airworthiness system in China.

Key words: EASA; CS-E; airworthiness system


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