为了防治天池煤矿15#煤层102 综放孤岛工作面采空区煤炭自燃发火,基于采空区自燃“三带”划分标准和数值模拟的方法,采用流体力学COMSOL 计算软件,研究了工作面不同进风量时采空区氧化升温带的变化规律,确定了氧化升温带的范围,得到工作面供风量与氧化升温带宽度的拟合曲线。通过现场实践,研究了加强封堵和均压等以风治火技术对103 回风闭墙采空区CO 体积分数的影响。研究结果表明,U+I 型102 工作面采空区自燃发火主要是由采空区漏风引起;氧化升温带宽度随着工作面供风量的增加而增加;均压后,103 回风闭墙采空区的CO 体积分数由最开始的超过20×10-6降至5×10-6。在102 综放孤岛工作面的现场实践表明,运用以风治火技术防治天池煤矿采空区遗煤自燃是可行的,对于类似综放孤岛工作面防止遗煤自燃有一定借鉴意义。
In order to prevent coal spontaneous combustion in goaf of the 102 fully mechanized caving island coal face located in 15# coal seam of Tianchi coal mine, the change law of oxygenation heating-up zone in goaf under different air supply volumes was studied according to the division standard of spontaneous combustion "three zones" in goaf, using the computational fluid dynamics software COMSOL. The scopes of oxygenation heating-up zone was determined,the fitting curve between air supply volume of working face and the width of oxygenation heating-up zone was obtained. The results showed that air leakage in goaf is the main reason for spontaneous combustion in goaf of U+I 102 caving face. The width of oxygenation heating-up zone increased with the increase of air supply volume of the working face. The concentration of CO in the 103 return air closed wall of goaf reduced from more than 20×10-6 at the beginning to 5×10-6 after equalizing. The field practice on the 102 fully mechanized caving island coal face showed that it is feasible to prevent spontaneous combustion of residual coal in goaf of Tianchi coal mine with the wind preventing fire technology.
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