Fractured-cave carbonate reservoir has strong anisotropism, complicated oil-water relationship and flow mechanism. Thus, the application of profile control in these reservoirs is less effective. In this study, we summarized four connecting models. On the basis of macro similarity of the reservoir property and referentiability of the connecting relationship, we designed two simplified physical models of the core, fractured-cave and fractured-net, to investigate the impact of different connecting models on profile control using polymer gel as the profile control agent. The experimental results demonstrate that in the two models, the water-free oil production period was short and the water ratio was close to 100% rapidly after water breakthrough. After profile control, both the water ratios of fractured-cave and fractured-net model were decreased. However, the water cut of fractured-net model was reduced more significantly compared with that of fractured-cave model. The increase of the water ratio for fractured-net model was slower in the subsequent water flooding. The water flooding recovery, ultimate recovery and improved oil recovery degree for the fractured-net model were all higher than those of the fractured-cave model. The role of polymer gel injection in adjusting injection profile and increasing swept volume was more apparent, and the effect of profile control was better.
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