为全面反映不同地区维吾尔族的遗传特点,收集10 个维吾尔族世居地区的300 名1955 年以前出生的非近亲维吾尔族作为研究对象,利用30 个SNP 位点对其进行人类遗传学特征的研究。通过STRUCTURE 2.1 软件进行贝叶斯分析的结果表明,新疆的维吾尔族分为7 个不同的群体更加合理。利用新疆不同地区之间的维吾尔族的SNP 数据计算的遗传距离,输入MEGA 5软件并使用UPGMA 法构建系统发生树,结果表明除了乌鲁木齐与伊犁、吐鲁番与阿图什、哈密与喀什彼此接近以外,其余地区各自为一个独立的群体。新疆不同地区的维吾尔族在遗传结构上,大部分比较独立,说明现代新疆的维吾尔族遗传结果受到了包括丝绸之路漫长的历史作用,同时也受到当地特殊的地理环境的影响。
. 新疆各地维吾尔族遗传特征分析[J]. 科技导报, 2016
, 34(2)
: 226
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2016.2.038
To understand the genetic characteristics of Uyghur, 300 Uyghur that were born before 1955 were collected from 10 Uyghur residence locations for generations, and 30 SNP loci were employed for genetics research. Bayesian analysis was applied for their genetic structure by STRUCTURE 2.1. The results show that it was reasonable to divide the Uyghurs in Xinjiang into seven groups. UPGMA method was used for phylogenetic research by MEGA 5 based on the Fst date form between different regions in Xinjiang. Both results show that each population from 10 locations was different except those from Urumqi and Ili, Turpan and Attash, and Hami and Kashgar. In other words, almost every population of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang was independent from the genetic view, and this phenomenon may be explained by the historical effect of the silk road and geographic factors.
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