Near-infrared (NIR) electro-optic (EO) modulator will play a key role in future optical signal processing and communication systems. Graphene-silicon hybrid EO modulators have attracted much attention due to the merits regarding device footprints, modulation speeds, modulation bandwidth, and mass-productivity. In this paper, we firstly introduce the electro-optical properties of graphene and light modulation mechanism in EO modulators. Then based on the application of the graphene in EO modulators, this paper reviews current research progress of various types of NIR EO modulators based on graphene-silicon hybrid structure, and describes their operation principles and performances, including silicon waveguide graphene-based modulator, silicon micro-ring modulator based on graphene, and EO modulator based on graphene-silicon hybrid 1D photonic crystal nanobeam cavity. Finally, some future research directions are predicted.
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