加拿大萨斯喀彻温省钾盐矿床是世界上最大的钾盐矿床,以规模大、矿层厚、品位高、有害杂质少著称。对中川国际矿业控股有限公司位于萨斯喀彻温省的“中钾”项目矿区内2008-2009年完钻的5口钻井岩心进行了沉积学、矿物学和地球化学综合研究。结果表明,该项目区域成钾与萨斯喀彻温省目前在产钾矿成矿状况相近,钾石盐资源巨大、埋藏浅、分布广,其钾盐层埋藏深度略深于目前在产钾盐矿。萨斯喀彻温省钾盐矿床成矿稳定连续,以钾石盐为主,光卤石少,矿床自东北向西南方向以极小的倾角倾斜,从曼尼托巴省的露头一直倾斜到萨斯喀彻温省南部达到2750 m深,表明该钾盐区仍然有巨大的资源潜力待勘探开发。
The Saskatchewan potash deposit in Canada is the largest potash reserve in the earth, which is recognized by its great scale, thick potash members, high grade resource and very few impurities. The ‘Sino-potash’ project owned by Zhongchuan Mining is the first potash project in Saskatchewan run by Chinese enterprise. The authors investigated into the project's 5 drilling wells completed between 2008 and 2009 using sedimentology, mineralogy and geochemistry. It is shown that mineralization in the region is similar to that of currently operating potash mines of Saskatchewan. Thick sylvite members deposited in a relatively shallow depth spread continuously in the whole region, though the deposition depth is slightly deeper than those of the operating potash mines of Saskatchewan. The result tells that the middle-Devonian Saskatchewan potash deposit forms steadily and continuously, which is mainly composed of sylvite, with small amount of carnallite. The deposit dips slightly in the northeast-southwest direction from outcrops in Manitoba to the south Saskatchewan and reaches as deep as 2750 m, suggesting a great potential of resource in the area which was not defined as a potash mining area historically.
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