在缺乏GPS 等定位方式的未知环境中,采用视觉的方法对多旋翼无人机定位导航与地图构建逐渐成为该领域研究的热点,本文针对无人机的视觉定位与地图构建技术方法进行综述。首先,分析了两种自主飞行控制方式的优缺点,指出设计的要求和难点;其次,研究无人机定位与地图构建的不同视觉方法,对几种方法特点进行分析并总结研究现状;最后,讨论多旋翼无人机视觉控制的发展趋势。
In GPS-denied unknown environment, the visual navigation and mapping for multi-rotor UAVs has become popular within the unmanned aircraft field. This paper gives an introduction to the technologies of UAV visual localization and mapping. First of all, the relative merits of two different autonomous flight control systems are analyzed and the difficulties and requirements of design are pointed out. Then, the different visual methods of UAV localization and mapping are investigated, the characteristics of some UAV visual methods are analyzed, and its present research development is summarized. Finally, the future research direction of UAV visual control is discussed.
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