

  • 杨军 ,
  • 杨晔 ,
  • 隋增光
  • 华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院核工程与核技术系, 武汉 430074

收稿日期: 2017-01-15

  修回日期: 2017-06-26

  网络出版日期: 2017-07-17



Overview of filtered containment venting in China

  • YANG Jun ,
  • YANG Ye ,
  • SUI Zengguang
  • Nuclear Engineering and Technology Department, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074 China

Received date: 2017-01-15

  Revised date: 2017-06-26

  Online published: 2017-07-17




杨军 , 杨晔 , 隋增光 . 核电厂安全壳过滤排放系统[J]. 科技导报, 2017 , 35(13) : 14 -17 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2017.11.001


To mitigate severe accidents (SAs) in nuclear power plants (NPPs), filtered containment venting system (FCVS) is designed to prevent the potential containment overpressure failure through the filtered venting process. So far, many investigations and research works have been initiated or resumed particularly about the reinforced FCVS, which is expected to become the standard configuration of most NPPs. The NPP safety regulation, the safety regulation of nuclear power plant design (HAF102) issued by the Chinese NNSA, requires that NPPs should have venting systems with adequate filtration. Now, either most NPPs of operating reactor units under construction or more units planned in China are going to be equipped with FCVS, with priority of Venturi scrubber type system. At present, major nuclear energy companies, research institutions and universities are initiating or accelerating research and engineering projects on FCVS designs with enhanced performance.


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