

  • 李天龙 ,
  • 于豪 ,
  • 李牧 ,
  • 汤闻天 ,
  • 董惠娟 ,
  • 周德开 ,
  • 李隆球 ,
  • 张广玉
  • 1. 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院, 哈尔滨 150001;
    2. 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院, 哈尔滨 150001

收稿日期: 2018-06-11

  修回日期: 2018-07-18

  网络出版日期: 2018-08-27



Micro-/nanomotors for biomedicine applications

  • LI Tianlong ,
  • YU Hao ,
  • LI Mu ,
  • TANG Wentian ,
  • DONG Huijuan ,
  • ZHOU Dekai ,
  • LI Longqiu ,
  • ZHANG Guangyu
  • 1. School of Mechatronics Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China;
    2. The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150001, China

Received date: 2018-06-11

  Revised date: 2018-07-18

  Online published: 2018-08-27




李天龙 , 于豪 , 李牧 , 汤闻天 , 董惠娟 , 周德开 , 李隆球 , 张广玉 . 微纳马达在生物医疗领域中的应用[J]. 科技导报, 2018 , 36(15) : 77 -84 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2018.15.009


Due to lightweight, less volume and high thrust, micro/nano motors can be widely used in the fields of sensing detection, nanofabrication and experimental remediation. Especially, micro/nano motors can serve as promising biomimetic motors for biomedical and nanoelectronic applications. In this paper, fabrication, propulsion and control methods of micro/nano motors are expounded. And micro/nano motors used for the fields of targeted therapy, nano surgery, toxins adsorption and thrombolysis are summarized. Finally, the challenge and development direction of micro/nano motors used for biomedicine application are discussed.


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