The Yellow sea coast, mainly located in Jiangsu province and parts of Shandong and Liaoning provinces, represents the largest area of coastal beach lands in China and holds a huge potential for exploitation of reserved arable land and marine resources. At present, China is implementing the strategy of "Blue Granary" in the ocean, but has paid less attention to the "Green Granary" in the Yellow sea's coast land. In this research, through on-the-spot investigations, we suggest that China should pay attention to the following aspects. Firstly, China should provide key supports for the construction of green ecological and high efficient modern agriculture in "Yellow Sea Granary". Secondly, China needs to strengthen breeding and demonstration and popularization of salt-tolerant rice varieties in coastal areas. Thirdly, China must strengthen the establishment of a technical system for cultivation of anti-stress varieties and disaster reduction in rice and wheat plant areas. Fourthly, China should create different modes of modern agriculture, aquaculture, industrial development, ecological development, leisure and health preservation, and tourism, so as to achieve green and coordinated development of industry, agriculture and ecological environment. These suggestions will make an important contribution to China's food security, economic security, ecological security, even national security and rural revitalization strategy. As economic hubs, they will also play an important role in such as international trade, new Eurasian continental bridge, China-Japan-South Korea free trade area, Asia-pacific free trade area and the strategy of one belt and one road.
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