According to the development plan envisagement for nuclear power plant in China, the development of China's nuclear power in the next decades is predicted with the nuclear fuel cycle software NFCSS provided by IAEA. The amounts of the spent fuel generated and accumulated by the year of 2050 are analyzed. According to the assumption model, the accumulated spent fuel by the year of 2050 will reach at 54791t including 57.89t Minor Actinides (MA) (237Np, 42.91t; Am, 11.17t; Cm, 3.81t) and 2778t FP. One group effective cross section of MA in the thermal, well thermalized, and fast neutron field is calculated based on ENDF/B-VII nuclear evaluation database. The transmutation way for three main MA, i.e. 237Np, 241Am, and 246Cm is also analyzed. It is more suitable for 237Np transmutation in well thermalized neutron field and for 241Am, the high flux thermalized neutron field is better. But it is difficult for 246Cm transmutation in thermal or fast neutron field due to its little fission cross section. Its transmutation ability can be improved if transmutation occurs in a high fluxes resonance energy area. The two-stage transmutation strategy is presented according to their characteristics in the thermal, well thermalized, and fast neutron field. Based on the two stage transmutation concept, the transmutation is performed in a well thermalized neutron field first. Small amount of residual of the first stage transmutation is transmuted in a thermal field with a spectrum. It is expected to achieve a good result.