为了研究全长黏结式锚杆拉拔工况下的应力变形特征,利用FLAC3D建立数值模型,分析锚杆受力特征、土体响应,以及拉拔性能的影响因素。结果表明,(1) 锚杆轴力分布沿杆体逐渐减小;(2) 随着加载的进行,破坏沿锚杆体迅速传递,最终导致锚杆整体破坏;(3) 土体受到锚杆摩阻力的影响,存在被锚杆拉出的趋势;(4) 随着围压的增大,荷载-位移曲线在破坏前的线性特征更加显著,锚杆的破坏荷载也逐渐增大,采用指数方程对其关系进行拟合能得到较高的精度;(5) 围压的增加能够增大锚杆与周围土体之间的黏结力,但是存在一极限值,当围压增加到一定程度后,并不能提高锚杆的锚固力。
In order to study the mechanical deformation characteristic of soil mass and wholly grouted cable under the pull-out condition, a numerical calculation model is founded by FLAC3D, the mechanical characteristic of cable, response of soil mass, and influence factors for pull-out characteristic are analyzed. The analysis results show that: (1) the axial stress of cable reduces along shaft; (2) during the loading procedure, the failure propagates rapidly along cable shaft, and eventually leads to the whole failure of cable; (3) the soil mass tends to be pulled out by cable with the friction force between cable and soil mass; (4) with the increase of surrounding stress, the curve of loading-displacement before failure phase displays even more obviously linear characteristic, meanwhile the failure load of cable becomes larger and larger, and the entire relationship between failure load of cable and surrounding stress can be fitted by the exponential equation with high precision; (5) the increase of surrounding stress can lead to the increase of cohesion between cable and surrounding soil mass, however with a limited magnitude; therefore when surrounding stress increases to some degree, the anchor force of cable can not be increased anymore.