

  • 陈伟;张军;
  • 1. 中国科学院武汉文献情报中心, 武汉 430071;2. 中国科学院国家科学图书馆武汉分馆, 武汉 430071

收稿日期: 2011-11-09

  修回日期: 2012-06-18

  网络出版日期: 2012-06-28

Research Progress and Technical Analysis of High Temperature Solar Thermochemical CO2-splitting Cycle

  • CHEN Wei;ZHANG Jun;
  • 1. Wuhan Documentation and Information Centre of CAS,Wuhan 430071, China;2. The Wuhan Branch of The National Science Library of CAS,Wuhan 430071, China

Received date: 2011-11-09

  Revised date: 2012-06-18

  Online published: 2012-06-28


在全球气候变化已成为国际性热点问题的大背景下,通过将CO2转化成高附加值的燃料,实现CO2的资源化利用是解决这一问题的可行途径之一,而将这一过程与太阳能利用相结合有助于解决因CO2化学惰性较强,其转化在热力学上不利带来能耗较高的挑战。在多种利用太阳能将CO2转化为能源载体的方法中,利用高温太阳热能进行两步热化学循环反应分解CO2以制取合成燃料是一个新兴研究方向。本文详细介绍了国外科研机构在这方面的发展现状及研究重点,并对该技术的原理和未来需要开展的基础研究工作进行了分析。未来的研究重点将集中在:(1) 开展多相化学反应流辐射热传递的理论和试验基础研究;(2) 设计直接受辐射的太阳能化学反应器,可直接吸收聚焦的太阳热能,辐射热传递效率较高;(3) 开展高温太阳能化学反应器的材料研究。国内具有一定太阳能高温热(化学)利用工作基础的研究机构有必要开展这一领域的研究工作,为中国实现碳减排做出贡献。


陈伟;张军; . 太阳热化学循环反应分解CO2的研究进展与技术分析[J]. 科技导报, 2012 , 30(18) : 60 -64 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2012.18.009


In the context of that global climate change has become an international hot issue, the CO2 utilization through conversion of CO2 into high value-added fuels is one of the possible ways to solve this problem. Combining this process with solar energy can contribute to solve the challenge which CO2 is chemically inert and difficult to be converted into other molecules thermodynamically. Among a variety of approaches on converting CO2 into energy carrier by solar energy, a promising new method for the production of synthetic fuel from solar-driven two-step CO2-splitting thermochemical cycles is being developed. In this paper, we first described the research progress and research priorities in this field of some international research institutions. We also analyzed the technical principle and the basic research works need to be carried out in the future. The future research will focus on: (1) the fundamental analysis of radiation heat exchange coupled to the kinetics of heterogeneous thermochemical systems; (2) the design of advanced chemical reactor concepts based on the direct irradiation of reactants for efficient energy absorption; (3) the development of high-temperature materials (T>1500℃) for thermochemical reactors. Domestic research institutions which have the work foundation of high-temperature solar thermochemical utilization should pay more attention to this area and carry out related investigation. Their work will contribute to China's carbon emission reduction.
