

  • 张志宏 ,
  • 张江江 ,
  • 高秋英 ,
  • 孙海礁 ,
  • 肖雯雯
  • 中国石油化工股份有限公司西北油田分公司工程技术研究院, 乌鲁木齐 830011

收稿日期: 2013-10-11

  修回日期: 2013-12-12

  网络出版日期: 2014-03-26

Analysis of Rupture Failure of Sidetrack Deep Well Pipe in Tahe Oilfield

  • ZHANG Zhihong ,
  • ZHANG Jiangjiang ,
  • GAO Qiuying ,
  • SUN Haijiao ,
  • XIAO Wenwen
  • Engineering Research Institute, Northwest Oilfield Company, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, Urumqi 830011, China

Received date: 2013-10-11

  Revised date: 2013-12-12

  Online published: 2014-03-26


塔河油田某稠油区高含CO2及H2S,某侧钻井在井下P110S 油管发生典型的断裂失效。为查明油管断裂原因,结合油管服役的井下工况条件,对断裂油管的化学成分、力学性能、金相组织、微观形貌进行测试及分析,对油管断裂部位的腐蚀产物进行了能谱分析。通过对断裂油管进行详细观测及试验分析,认为腐蚀是导致该井油管断裂的主要原因。通过对该侧钻井油管二种典型腐蚀特征的分析可知油管内壁以点状腐蚀为主,腐蚀机理为典型的CO2电化学腐蚀;外壁主要为一侧分布的沟槽状腐蚀及坑蚀,腐蚀机理为低pH 值酸液条件下的电化学腐蚀及缝隙腐蚀。针对上述典型腐蚀问题,提出了针对性预防油管腐蚀穿孔的措施。


张志宏 , 张江江 , 高秋英 , 孙海礁 , 肖雯雯 . 塔河油田某侧钻深井油管断裂失效原因[J]. 科技导报, 2014 , 32(7) : 62 -66 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2014.07.009


In the heavy oil zone with high content of CO2 and H2S in Tahe Oilfield, a sidetrack tubing downhole of P110S had a typical fracture failure. In order to find out the fracture reasons, this paper combined the downhole tubing service working conditions to test and analyze the pipeline rupture in terms of chemical composition, mechanical properties, and microstructure morphology, and analyzed the energy spectrum characteristic of the corrosion products in the fracture site. It is recognized that the well tubing corrosion is the main reason of the fault. Through the analysis of two kinds of typical corrosion characteristics of the tubing sidetrack, it is recognized that the corrosion and pitting mechanism of the tubing wall is mainly a typical CO2 electrochemical corrosion, and that for the side wall of the groove-like distribution of corrosion and pitting, the corrosion mechanism is electrochemical corrosion and crevice corrosion in the condition of the acid with low pH. Targeted prevention measures are also proposed for pipeline corrosion perforation on typical corrosion issues.


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