
Fractal Analysis of East-West Ductile Shear Zone in Guachehe Town Area, Tongcheng, Anhui and Its Applicability of Strain-rate Estimation

  • LI Zhensheng;TIAN Xiaoli;ZHANG Wenjun;TAO Ye
  • School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China

Received date: 2012-09-24

  Revised date: 2013-05-20

  Online published: 2013-07-18


East-West ductile shear zone of Guachehe town, Tongcheng, Anhui consists of early felsic ductile shear zone and later mafic brittle-ductile shear zone associated with synthetic or tractive felsic deformation zone in granite wall-rock. The boundaries of new quartz grains of dynamical recrystallization, which are well-developed in two phases of felsic tectonite, had statistically self-similarity with microscopic features, such as indented or embayed boundary shape. Their area-perimeter fractal dimensions range from 1.097 to 1.144 with the range of deformation temperatures from 600 to 700℃, which is corresponding to granulite facies of metamorphic condition. The strain-rates calculated by rheologic empirical equation are less than 10-7.27s-1, and that of the later protomylonite associated with mafic brittle-ductile shear zone is less half order of magnitude than that of early mylonite in main-ductile shear zone. The area-perimeter fractal dimension of quartz grains has earlier been proposed as a strain-rate gauge based on experimental deformation of the quartz aggregates, however this method of fractal analysis has rarely been used to estimate the strain-rate of naturally deformed rocks. In comparison with analysis of other estimation methods, it was concluded that geothermometer proposed by Kruhl is suitable, while the strain-rate equation proposed by Takahashi can be only suitable for lower deformation temperature (T<400℃).

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LI Zhensheng;TIAN Xiaoli;ZHANG Wenjun;TAO Ye . Fractal Analysis of East-West Ductile Shear Zone in Guachehe Town Area, Tongcheng, Anhui and Its Applicability of Strain-rate Estimation[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2013 , 31(20) : 15 -19 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2013.20.001

