Groundwater flow would affect the mechanical properties of surrounding rock. In this paper, based on the fluid-solid coupling basic principles, and taking the Jinchuan second mining area deep roadway as an example, a 1000m level roadway fluid-solid coupling computational model is established, then the surrounding rock stress field, the deformation, and the excavation unloading under the seepage condition are simulated. It is shown that the effect of the vertical component of the roadway stress is greater than those of the horizontal components under the seepage condition, the maximum and the minimum principal stresses are larger than those under the anhydrous condition. The rock deformation spatial distributions are similar under the two conditions, the impact of the seepage on the vertical displacement is larger than that on the horizontal displacement. For example, the roadway arch vertical displacement is significantly greater than that under the anhydrous condition, the arch maximum displacement is approximately 8.2mm under the seepage condition, while that under the anhydrous condition is only about 2.3mm, therefore, the seepage effect will lead to the deterioration of the roadway roof stability. The excavation unloading effect on the seepage field is evident that the roadway surrounding pressure head decreases rapidly after the excavation, the minimum pore water pressure drops to zero, and the pore water pressure changes from a horizontally layered distribution to a zonal distribution along the roadway profile.
ZHANG Chunyang;CAO Ping;JIN Jin;PU Chengzhi;MENG Jingjing
. Numerical Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction Stability for Jinchuan Deep Roadway[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2013
, 31(33)
: 31
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2013.33.004