The physical experiments on the shale outcrop core in the Longmaxi formation in southeastern Chongqing show that the Porosity variation is in the range of 1.5%~2.5%, the permeability is in the range of 2.5×10-4~1.3×10-3mD; the Shale beddings and the dispersion phenomenon are clearly seen, but their extents gradually increase with the angle of bedding, and the wave velocity decreases. The pore size distribution is changed, with less large pores, basically with no micro pore, and with a large capillary force. The rock quartz content is high, the clay content is relatively low, as typical of the hard brittle shale. At the same time, the clay is dominated by illite, with a small amount of chlorite and illite/smectite mixed layer, not including montmorillonite, the expansion extent is small, the brittle shale parameters are between 0.49~0.77, the average value is 0.58. Test results provide some guidance for the shale mining method selection, the instability mechanism and the fracturing fluid design scheme in the shale gas development in the region.
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