According to the actual data of Yanbaoshan open-pit and based on the mesoscopic mechanics method and the strength reduction method, the dynamic instability processes of the down dip soft rock with and without fault are simulated by the RFPA-SRM, then the stability of the slope, the affected form and the failure mechanism of the fault are studied. It is indicated that with fault, Fs=1.099, without fault, Fs=1.176, the slope is stable; the landslide or the failure of the slope is a gradual process of crack generation, extension, cut-through stages and the tensile failure and the shear failure co-exist; the root cause is that the fault causes the change of the failure mode and the stability of the slope through the rock stress condition influenced by the fault and the strength characteristics.
ZHOU Zhiwei
CAO Lanzhu
. Fault Influence in Slope of Down Dip Soft Rock Based on RFPA-SRM[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2013
, 31(36)
: 31
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2013.36.004
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