High performance computer (HPC) is an important tool and means to promote the industrial development. This paper points out several key problems in the development of HPC, and expounds the development trend that the processors are in a transition to a new generation of multi-core heterogeneous parallel computing system, in which the core cache design and multicore heterogeneous programming model design are the key factors. The cloud computing technology may be an important factor to promote the future HPC. Finally, to meet the needs for computers in petroleum exploration, the important role of HPC is further clarified, with the CPU+GPU heterogeneous system as the example. It is pointed out that the development platform and programming method of parallel algorithm are the main bottlenecks of HPC application in petroleum exploration. I/O features of disk, high-speed network and parallel file system are also important factors to affect the HPC application.
LI Min
. Development of High Performance Computer and Its Application to Petroleum Exploration[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2014
, 32(2)
: 80
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2014.2.013
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