With Area 1Z and Area 34 in Karamay Oilfield as examples, the stratigraphic division and correlation framework of Districts One and Three is built. Based on the previous results, the outcrop data and the logging interpretations, and the environment of river sediments, the braided river and the meandering river are divided into 3 subfacies and 4 microfacies. Five identification methods of single sand bodies and their applications are analyzed. Using these 5 methods, the single sand bodies of Area 1Z and Area 34 are divided into 3 categories (7 types in all). Also, statistical analyses are made on the width, the thickness, and their ratio for each type. It is shown that the width and the thickness of river single sand bodies are positively related. Finally, the distributing maps of single sand bodies of each period are obtained, with single channels of braided rivers mostly consisting of sheet-like and interweave banded single sand bodies, and single channels of meandering rivers mostly consisting of banded and interweave banded single sand bodies.
HE Miao
JIN Zhenkui
LI Tingdong
GUO Xiujuan
. Single Sand Body Description of River Facies:Lower Karamay Formation of Triassic in Area 1Z & Area 34, Northwest Junggar Basin as Examples[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2014
, 32(6)
: 17
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2014.06.002
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