The galloping of a quad- bundled conductor seriously threats the safe operation of the issue of EHV lines, and a theoretical study of galloping can effectively help the development of anti-dance techniques. A two-node cable element with three translational and one torsional degrees of freedom at each node is utilized to imitate the bundled conductor, and a two-node space beam elements are used to simulate the spacers, thus to establish the galloping finite element analysis model with considerations of the sub- conductor wake interference. The finite element equation is solved by the time integration method and the calculation program is compiled in Matlab. The central difference method is used to deal with the acceleration and the velocity is handled by the backward difference method. Typical examples of the galloping are simulated. With numerical simulations, the dancing in consideration of the effect of the sub-conductor wake is compared with that without. It is shown that this method can effectively simulate the galloping of ice quad-bundled conductors, the algorithms enjoy high accuracy and efficiency, and can be used in the design to prevent the dancing.
LU Junyan
LI Yanan
. Numerical Simulation of Galloping of Iced Quad-Bundled Conductor[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2014
, 32(15)
: 43
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2014.15.005
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