
Paleo-karstification and Reservoir Characterization of Ordovician Carbonates in the Lungu Area, Tarim Basin

  • LÜ Youliang, CAO Siyuan, LÜ Yumin
  • 1. CNPC Key Laboratory of Geophysics, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China;
    2. New Energy Research Center, CNOOC Research Institute, Beijing 100027, China

Received date: 2014-02-24

  Revised date: 2014-03-17

  Online published: 2014-06-20


Based on the identification and genesis analysis of paleo- karstification, paleo- geomorphology of the Lungu area is reconstructed by using residual formation thickness method, geomorphologic method and impression method. Karst upland margin, karst slope, and karst valley of Ordovician carbonates in the Lungu area are marked and eight types of micro- geomorphology units are identified. The relationships between karst morphology and characteristics of carbonate reservoirs are studied in different subareas. The results show that all the karst zones develop fractures and vugs, but reservoir types are different in micro-geomorphology units. Karst upland and slope in the superficial karst zone mainly develop fracture-vug-type and fracture type reservoirs, the vertical karst zone develops fractures and vugs, and run-off karst zone is apt to develop vugs and caverns.

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LÜ Youliang, CAO Siyuan, LÜ Yumin . Paleo-karstification and Reservoir Characterization of Ordovician Carbonates in the Lungu Area, Tarim Basin[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2014 , 32(17) : 35 -40 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2014.17.005


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