
Research of Influence Factors for Vertical Wells Bottom Water Coning Using Box-Behnken Method

  • WANG Tao ,
  • ZHANG Junjing ,
  • SHI Hailei
  • 1. China Oilfield Services Limited, Beijing 101149, China;
    2. Texas A&M University, Texas 77843, USA

Received date: 2014-01-15

  Revised date: 2014-05-19

  Online published: 2014-07-16


Bottom water coning is a critical issue in the development of oil reservoirs containing bottom water. A numerical model is built in this study for a bottom-water reservoir using realistic reservoir parameters. In consideration of the individual factors that impact bottom-water coning, clusters of the dimensionless indices are designed. The Yu Qitai water flooding type curves are generated by regression analysis using the cumulative oil, water and liquid productions from numerical simulation; The index b (slope of the water flooding type curve) that reflects the water breakthrough characteristics in the vertical well is calculated. Factors that influence b are then investigated in details using the Box-Behnken experimental design and the responsive surface method. The severity, order, and trend of the influence by each factor are finally examined.

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WANG Tao , ZHANG Junjing , SHI Hailei . Research of Influence Factors for Vertical Wells Bottom Water Coning Using Box-Behnken Method[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2014 , 32(19) : 64 -67 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2014.19.010


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