Low permeability reservoirs are becoming a focus of the offshore oilfield development technologies. The permeability can be controlled by the pore structure, and the quantitative characterization of the permeability can be established based on the relationship between the porosity and the permeability However, this kind of relationship is not very reliable, which reduces the accuracy of the permeability calculation. This paper proposes a new method of the permeability quantitative characterization based on the pore and throat distribution constraints. The pore space is divided into different types based on the size of the pore throat radius, which are given different weights to characterize the effect of the pore throat radius, and the sum of all weighted pore spaces is defined as the pore throat volume coefficient. Compared with the traditional method, the coefficient of the permeability has a better correlation. Through the introduction of the NMR logging in the new method, for a continuous distribution of the permeability interpretation, the application results show that the permeability explained by the new method enjoys a high accuracy, therefore, this method provides a viable technology for the permeability characterization of low permeability reservoirs.
ZHANG Jianmin
JIANG Yuanpeng
SU Yanchun
. Quantitative Characterization of Permeability Based on the Pore and Throat Distribution Constraint[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2014
, 32(22)
: 67
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2014.22.011
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