Horizontal Steam Flooding Pilot Test for Thin Shallow Super Heavy Oil of Chunfeng Oilfield in Junggar Basin

  • ZHU Guilin ,
  • WANG Xuezhong
  • Xinchun Oil Production Plant, Shengli Oilfield Company, Sinopec, Dongying 257000, China

Received date: 2014-05-26

  Revised date: 2014-08-10

  Online published: 2014-11-15


The deterioration of the production performance after multi cycles of steam huff and puff necessitates the development of the supersede technology, in the Chunfeng Oilfield in Junggar Basin reservoir. In view of the shallow burial depth, the high pore high seepage, the permeability, the low formation temperature (22-28 ℃), the thin reservoir thickness (2-6 m, averaging 3.5 m), the high underground crude oil viscosity (50000-90000 mPa·s),and the horizontal well thermal recovery,the horizontal steam flooding pilot test for the thin shallow super heavy oil of Chunfeng Oilfield is developed and carried out. The test area includes geological reserves of 102×104 t, 5 steam injection wells, 21 production wells. Both steam injection well and production well are horizontal wells, with the well spacing of 100 m, the distance between two rows of 140m, the horizontal section length of 200 m, the steam injection rate of 5 t/h, the production injection ratio of 1.2. 3 observation wells are drilled to monitor the real-time reservoir temperature and pressure. The pilot test lasted 19 months,and the steam flooding shows good performances with the indications as the single well daily oil production, the water cut, the periodical recovery percent of reserves, and with the recovery percent of OOIP being comparatively analyzed. In view of the heavy oil production declining, the steam flooding yields a production increase of 48% as compared with the steam soaking. The horizontal steam flooding pilot test for the thin shallow super heavy oil is confirmed to be feasible. With the pilot test,the conception of the high temperature micro- steam channeling production is formed, and the dynamic monitor and control system is established. together with a series technologies, including the horizontal well high temperature steam channeling management technology, the use of the horizontal well steam stimulation, the high deviated angle and the injection-production integration pump. Results provide some guidance toward the efficient development of the reservoirs.

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ZHU Guilin , WANG Xuezhong . Horizontal Steam Flooding Pilot Test for Thin Shallow Super Heavy Oil of Chunfeng Oilfield in Junggar Basin[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2014 , 32(31) : 55 -60 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2014.31.007


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