
Distribution of the collapse columns in coal fields of Shanxi Province and its genetic models

  • PENG Jichao ,
  • ZHANG Yu ,
  • HU Sherong
  • College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing 100083, China

Received date: 2015-02-10

  Revised date: 2015-04-21

  Online published: 2015-06-11


By collecting massive amount of data from local coal fields in Shanxi Province, a map of the distribution of the collapse columns in this area is generated. The distribution of the collapse columns is discussed combined with the data of coal geology and hydrogeology, as well as the formation condition of the collapse columns. The collapse columns are mainly developed in such areas: 1) near the margin of the basin, such as Datong basin and Qinshui basin; 2) the area with river and karst spring, for instance, Xishan of Taiyuan, Huozhou and Yangquan areas; 3) the area along the Shanxi graben system. According to the tectonic evolution and the formation condition of the collapse columns in Shanxi Province, the following conclusions are made. The formation of the collapse columns is controlled by the tectonic movement and its tectonic condition which is"Two uplift-Two tectonic inversion". During the uplift, the karst well development and the formation mechanism of the collapse columns are combined with the hydrothermal dissolution, the vacuum corrosion and the gravitational collapse. During the tectonic inversion, the stability of the layer above the karst is destroyed and the formation mechanism of the collapse columns is combined with the gravitational collapse and the circulation collapse. This study may help discover the distribution law of the collapse columns in deeper layers, and has the theoretical and practical significance concerning the coal mine safety and effectiveness.

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PENG Jichao , ZHANG Yu , HU Sherong . Distribution of the collapse columns in coal fields of Shanxi Province and its genetic models[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2015 , 33(11) : 17 -22 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2015.11.002


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