The PANI film anodes are prepared by the potentiostatic method, the pulse polarization and the cyclic voltammetry (CV), and are applied in a fixed bed microbial fuel cell to investigate the performances of the electricity generation and the wastewater treatment, respectively. It is shown that the PANI film anode modified by the CV enjoys the best conductivity, as compared with those obtained by the potentiostatic method and the pulse polarization, and the electrode resistance is greatly decreased from 55.45 Ω of that prepared by the potentiostatic method to 3.65 Ω. The PANI film anode prepared by the CV is applied in the MFC, the maximum power density and the open circuit voltage reach 215.6 mW·m-2 and 849.3 mV, respectively, 50.6% and 45.1% higher than those of the PANI film anode modified by the potentiostatic method. Compared with the potentiostatic method and the pulse polarization, with the CV being used to modify the PANI film anode, the MFC startup time can be shortened, the electrical stability increased and the sewage removal rate improved. It is a new way to prepare the high performance anode for the MFC.
WANG Xuyun
HE Haibo
. Preparation and performance of PANI film anodes for MFC[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2015
, 33(14)
: 82
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2015.14.015
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