SBMBBR is used to investigate the performance of denitrifying phosphorus removal from the low carbon source sewage. The effects on denitrifying phosphorus removal of the COD, the pH in the anaerobic process and the NO3--N, NO2--N in the anoxic stage are studied. The results show that the removal rates of the COD, the NH4+-N, the TP are more than 95%, 90%, 90%, the effluent concentrations are 8.07, 3.67, 0.46 mg/L in the operation of a cycle of 8 h, and the urban sewage A standard is satisfied. Compared with NO2--N as the electron acceptor, NO3--N of 60 mg/L as the electron acceptor can achieve the best result of the anoxic phosphorus absorption. More than 20 mg/L of NO2--N will inhibit the activity of denitrifying phosphorus removal bacteria. The researches show that the denitrifying phosphorus removal can achieve good results when NO3--N is used as the electron acceptor in the SBMBBR.
ZOU Donglei
LI Ping
YANG Zhuoyue
ZHANG Haojie
LIU Meijun
. Enhanced denitrifying phosphorus removal to treat low carbon source sewage in sequencing batch moving bed biofilm reactor[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2016
, 34(2)
: 237
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2016.2.040
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