The railway energy consumption accounts for a major portion of the total energy consumption in the world. Because of the difference of the railway development level and national conditions,the characteristics of the railway energy consumption are different in different countries. According to the analysis of the railway consumption in representative countries and associated railway energy situations, a conclusion is drawn that, the railway energy consumption and the passenger/freight traffic volume are directly related to the energy consumption intensity. It is important in the railway transportation to use the limited energy to transport more passengers and freight. In order to reduce the railway energy consumption, it is necessary to improve the railway technical equipment and the traction proportion of electric locomotives, the transport organization and the transport organization forms.
WU Xiaoping
LI Yusi
LIU Jiangwei
. Comparative analysis of railway energy consumption between China and other countries[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2016
, 34(2)
: 313
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2016.2.053
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