Well XK-1, as a fullcoring scientific drilling well, provides an opportunity for comprehensive and systematic study of carbonate. This paper makes a quantitative analysis of carbonate microfacies, through careful observation of core samples and systematic analysis of thin sections, focusing on Pliocene-Holocene component types, microfacies types, and their vertical characteristics. The component of the carbonate has the characteristics of high grain content, as well as low matrix and cement content. The component microfeatures can be seen in 19 different types, mainly including the bioclast packstone, the bioclast wackstone, the coral framestone, and the bryozoa bindstone. The vertical distribution of carbonate microfacies shows that the carbonare experiences an agitated water-alternate deposition in the strongly agitated water and an agitated water-alternate deposition in the agitated water and the weakly agitated water, in Ledong formation; while it experiences the alternate deposition in the strongly agitated water, the agitated water and the weakly water-agitated water in Yingehai formation.
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