With a great progress of China's coal chemical technology and demonstration projects, coal chemical industry is stepping in an upgrading way instead of the traditional way. During the period of "12th Five Year Plan", China has made great achievements in the development of new technology, new breakthroughs in core equipment, industrial planning and layout, demonstration project construction and operation of modern coal chemical industry, which contribute to the implementation of alternative feedstock and the protection of national energy security. In this process, fine chemical production of modern coal chemical downstream chain is to be the trend to solve the problems like similar products, less competitiveness, overcapacity brought by traditional ways. It can also improve the coal chemical industry energy conversion efficiency and resource comprehensive utilization. In this paper, we introduced and discussed the progress about coal to oil, coal to ethylene glycol, coal to natural gas and other key areas of technology in recent years. Also, we give some suggestions and thoughts about the development direction of high-end fine chemical in future.
HU Qianlin
. Current situation and prospects regarding development of modern coal chemical industry and its fine chemical production[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2016
, 34(17)
: 42
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2016.17.006
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