A review of the development of world sea-crossing projects is presented, which sums up the merits and drawbacks of railway ferry, sea crossing bridge, subsea tunnel, and bridge and tunnel combination. First construction technologies, financing and operation patterns of the representative projects at home and abroad are compared Then, the future development trends are proposed. At last, some suggestions for China are put forward, including strengthening pre-project research and design, government responsibility for construction of key projects, pre-project funding by national finance, and building plans, investment and financing schemes under scientific decisionmaking combined with project location situation.
LIU Liangzhong
LIU Xinhua
. Comparison of representative sea-crossing projects in China and the world and its enlightenment[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2016
, 34(21)
: 16
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2016.21.002
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