Four hybrid ratios are introduced into the unified hybrid network model. They are more in line with the randomness, the uncertainty and the variable growing in the real world network. This paper discusses three types of entropy of complex networks:the Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy (BGS), the extensive entropy Sq, and the open network entropy, as well as the relationship between the entropy and the hybrid ratios. From the essence of entropy, the function expression between the changing entropy of the network and the power-law of the scale-free network is revealed. Also the characteristics of the evolution mechanism and the complexity of the network are expounded.
LI Yong
FANG Jinqing
LIU Qiang
. An entropy approach to complexity of networks generated with the unified hybrid network model:Complexity of complex systems[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2017
, 35(14)
: 56
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2017.14.007
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