Conductive ink and its applied technology are developing with the development of printed electronics industry. In order to achieve high electrical conductivity and high precision printed circuit, a high transfer rate of conductive ink must be ensured in the printing process. However, all the conductive ink printability, surface properties of the substrate, printing technology, etc. will affect the transfer rate and the printing properties. Based on the literature reports, commonly used contact paper printing methods, such as gravure, flexographic printing, silk screen printing and offset printing, the set of factors influencing the conductive ink printing transfer rate are summarized and the improving way of the transfer rate of conductive ink is discussed. It is shown that transfer of conductive ink is influenced by ink composition, printing equipment and printing technology, and the key factors influencing the conductive ink transfer rate lies in the rheology of the ink and substrate surface improvement in the terms of compatibility with the ink, as well as adjustment of printing technology.
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